Dhiraj (Patience) is a Bollywood social film. It was released in 1942. The film was directed by Chaturbhuj Doshi for Ranjit Movietone. Gyan Dutt was the music director, with lyrics by Pandit Indra. The cast included Sitara Devi, Ishwarlal, Kesari, Nurjehan.
Dhiraj was doing successful business at the box-office when it was banned by the British government on the request of the Advisors to the governors. "They had grown intolerant of introduction of symbols like pictures of national leaders in films".
GenresDrama ActorsNoor Jehan, Pran Krishan Sikand, Ghulam Mohammed, Manorama Rating59% This was mainly a Noor Jehan musical about a man seduced by a gold-digging woman, who then kills her and her lover is jailed. When he is released, he finds employment as a gardener and becomes a father-figure to his employer's son Anwar and to Anwar's fiancee Zeenat (Noor Jehan). This allows him to prevent Anwar from perpetuating precisely the same crime for which he had been jailed as history repeats itself because, so the film alleges, men are constantly threatened by women and only paternal wisdom can save them from the untoward desires of women. Future directors Ramesh Saigal and S. K. Ojha assisted on this film.