Dirty Work (1998) is a comedy buddy film starring Norm Macdonald, Artie Lange, Jack Warden, and Traylor Howard and directed by Bob Saget. In the film, long-time friends Mitch (Macdonald) and Sam (Lange) start a revenge-for-hire business, and work to fund heart surgery for Sam's father Pops (Warden). When they take on work for an unscrupulous businessman (Christopher McDonald), in order to be paid, they create a revenge scheme of their own. Adam Sandler makes a cameo appearance as Satan.
The film was the first starring vehicle for Macdonald and Lange and the first feature film directed by Saget, coming one year after he left his long-running role as host of America's Funniest Home Videos.
Though the film received broadly negative reviews from critics and earned low box office returns, it has become a cult classic. Co-star Artie Lange later became a regular on The Howard Stern Show, where the film was sometimes discussed.Synopsis
Growing up, friends Mitch Weaver (Norm Macdonald) and Sam McKenna (Artie Lange) are taught by Sam's hard-nosed dad, "Pops" McKenna (Jack Warden), not to "take crap from anyone". To that end, the pair plant a bunch of guns in a schoolyard bully's desk and have him arrested for gun possession; next, they catch a kid-fondling crossing guard in the act, after having applied Krazy Glue to the bottom of Mitch's pants.