Disco Godfather, also known as The Avenging Disco Godfather, is a 1979 action film starring Rudy Ray Moore and Carol Speed, directed by J. Robert Wagoner and released by Transvue Pictures. Commonly considered a blaxploitation film, the plot centers on Moore's character, a retired cop who owns and operates a disco and tries to shut down the local angel dust (PCP) dealer after his nephew (Julius Carry) gets "whacked out" on the drug. Another PCP user's claim to have served her own baby as Easter dinner constitutes a version of the urban legend known as "The Baby-Roast."
The Disco Godfather's trademark phrase is his encouragement of the disco patrons to "Put your weight on it, put your weight on it, put your weight on it!".
The film also served as the debut of Keith David, who has an unbilled bit part as a patron in the nightclub, as well as the afore-mentioned Carry.Synopsis
Rudy Ray Moore incarne Tucker Williams, le propriétaire de la discothèque Blueberry Hill, dont il est la principale attraction. Cet ancien flic plein de bagout adore distribuer des baffes : aussi n’hésite-t-il pas à revenir aux affaires, quand son neveu devient accro à la poussière d’ange ! Plus sa lutte s’étend, plus Tucker réalise que Stinger et ses sbires sont aussi mortels que la drogue qu’ils revendent.