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Dr. Haine: Professor, since we retired this body has been... It has been...
Dr. Jerry Xavier: I know, but I don't want her to know.
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Lee Taylor: Are you going swimming with me in the morning?
Joanne 'Joan' Xavier: No thanks. Good night.
Lee Taylor: What will you do if I start to sink and yell for help?
Joanne 'Joan' Xavier: Throw you an anvil. Good night!
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There have been weird mysteries before and there will be weird mysteries again, but here is a thriller that will be remembered for years! A new note in exciting entertainment... An afternoon or evening in another world... An adventure in the realms of mystic romance with lovers fascinatingly different from any you've ever known!...A picture guaranteed to be the outstanding love-mystery of all time...portrayed by a remarkable cast that is worth the price of admission alone!