Double Seat is a 2015 Marathi drama movie directed by Sameer Vidwans. The film was released on August 14, 2015. This is the second movie by Sameer Vidwans; his first, titled Time Please, was released in 2013. Double Seat stars Ankush Choudhary and Mukta Barve as a married couple trying to find their place in Mumbai. This is their first film together.
The film received positive reviews and accolades for the performances of its lead stars.Synopsis
Double Seat highlights the family struggles of recently married couple Amit (Choudhary) and Manjiri (Barve). They wish to move out of their family homes and buy a tent together. While Amit was born and raised in metropolitan Mumbai, Manjiri is from the village of Roha and has difficulty coping with city life. Amit works in the packing business and is chained to this reality by his father, who trains horses. Manjiri, on the other hand, has a zest for life, and is optimistic about working as an LIC agent.