Dumb-Hounded is an American animation short from 1943. It is notable for being the first cartoon to star Droopy. The film was released on 20 March 1943 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) and has a running time of seven minutes.Synopsis
A wolf escapes from Swing Swing Prison (a parody of Sing Sing Prison). Many bloodhounds are freed to search for him, but one of them, Droopy, remains behind and informs the audience that he is the hero of the story. He quickly finds the wolf who tries to escape from Droopy throughout the picture. However, everywhere he flees Droopy pops up. In the end Droopy crushes the wolf by dropping a huge rock on his head. When Droopy receives his reward, he jumps about in complete enthusiasm, only to pause and inform the audience, "I'm happy".