Directed by Carlos Borcosque, script by Emilio Villalba Welsh and Wilfredo Jimenez, based on Charles-Maurice Hennequin and Pierre Veber’s theater play “Las delicias del hogar”. The movie was released on August 31, 1954.
, 1h20 GenresDrama, Comedy, Romance ActorsEnrique Serrano, Paulina Singerman, Sabina Olmos, Juan José Porta, Enrique Roldán Rating69% A young millionairess and flirt (Paulina Singerman) is conquered by a truck driver (Fernando Borel) who gives her a ride when she is on the run from her commitment to an Italian count (Enrique Serrano). The film contrasts the spoiled protagonist who uses the foreign name "Betty" and has never tried Mate tea, the drink of all Argentines, to the hard working, long-suffering poor.