Er Conde Jones (Count Jones) is a Venezuelan science-fiction-comedy film written, directed and produced by Venezuelan comedian Bejamín Rausseo, who also is the main protagonist, Count Jones.
The film has, also, special appearances by Venezuelan actors Luis Chataing and Erika de la Vega. Released on August 26, 2011 in Venezuela, the film became one of the most successful national films in Venezuelan history, with, as of the end of 2011, more than 696.000 spectators. It also became the highest-grossing non-foreign film of the year. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on December 1, 2011. Also, Rausseo announced a sequel, tentatively named Er Conde Bond.Synopsis
The films tells the story of Count Jones (Bejamín Rausseo), a far cousin of Indiana Jones, who is called by the North American government, the Interpol and other international security agencies in order to find a strange mythologic object called "The Crystal Creole Ball", which, if captured by Venezuelan military leader, Er General (Chile Veloz), could lead him to win the upcoming presidential elections.