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(on Saphira, looking over a cliff) It's not so bad up here.
(Saphira takes off) Wylyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
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Our beautiful lands have been ravaged by a ruthless king, and our people live under the shadow of tyranny. [...] But it wasn't always like this, was it? There was a time when the world lived in peace, protected by warriors astride mighty dragons. They are nothing but stories now - all we have is hope that a dragon will be born again, and one will rise to lead us to freedom.
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There was a time when our land flourished without fear and cruelty. A time of dragons and dragon riders. Dragons gave their riders magical powers. No one could defeat them! Until one of their own, a Rider named
Galbatorix opposed them, and cut down any Rider who opposed him-
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(after the final battle) We did it...together. Eragon, no. Even you don't have a heart strong enough for both of us.
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Eragon: I barely recognize myself.
Arya: You've come a long way, Eragon.
Eragon: They still doubt me.
Arya: They will doubt you until you prove otherwise.
Eragon: And then?
Arya: Then they'll follow you wherever you want them to follow... believe anything you want them to believe. That's how legends go.
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Arya: The search for a Rider has been a long one.
Eragon: But why me? I'm just a farmboy.
Arya: Because that is who Saphira chose.
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Eragon: I didn't ask for any of this!
Brom:You were chosen, nevertheless. A dragon will only hatch if it feels the presence of its Rider, even if it has to wait forever. Now it's found you. It will serve you and only you...
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Arya: Yesterday you were a farmboy. Today you are a hero. Tomorrow may see us together again.
Eragon: Then I'll be waiting for tomorrow.
Saphira: Tomorrow may come sooner than you think.
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Murtagh: You'll learn to trust me, Dragon Rider.
(Saphira roars)
Eragon: I'm not the only one you need to convince.
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You are stronger... Than you realize... Wiser... Than you know... What was once your life... Is now your legend