Eye of the Beholder is a 1999 Canadian-British-Australian mystery thriller film that employs magical realism. The film, based on Marc Behm's novel of the same name and a remake of Claude Miller's 1983 French thriller Deadly Circuit, is directed and adapted by Stephan Elliott.
Starring Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd, the film is an international co-production of Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.Synopsis
Stephen Wilson, aka "The Eye" (Ewan McGregor), spies on office workers in the neighboring building having sex, then humiliates them by sending photos of their tryst to their colleagues. From the beginning, Stephen appears to be slightly off kilter, having used a gunstock to take aim at the office workers and later pining over an old photo of his estranged daughter's elementary school class. On the back of the photo is written "Guess which one is your daughter, you asshole! Go Fuck Yourself. Margaret!" Not knowing which girl is his daughter, he randomly chooses one to call "Lucy".