Share this quote on facebookSidonie Laborde:I understand why the Queen spends hours looking at her fabrics. It makes her forget that she's the Queen. Honorine:I never forget who I am.
Share this quote on facebookSidonie Laborde:They cheered for the King. Nicolas Moreau:They cheered because he spoke standing and without his hat. They didn't cheer for the King, but for just another citizen.
Share this quote on facebookNicolas Moreau:The Marquis has been living for ten years in a dump in Versailles. While his castle is said to be magnificent. All this, just to see the King in the big hall twice a week.
Versailles, July 16, 1789
Share this quote on facebookNicolas Moreau:What we will you do? Sidonie Laborde:I'll stay with the Queen as long as necessary. Nicolas Moreau:This prospect… seems to fulfill you. Sidonie Laborde:I can't imagine my life's condition if the Queen would leave Versailles. And you, Monsieur Moreau? Nicolas Moreau:I… Until my hour of death, I'll take notes.