Fatal Honeymoon is a 2012 made-for-television movie directed and produced by Nadia Tass. It is said to be based on the true story of the suspicious death of Christina Mae "Tina" Watson (née Thomas), a twenty-six-year-old American on her honeymoon with David Gabriel "Gabe" Watson whilst scuba diving near the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. However, the majority of the movie is not based on known facts from the evidence presented at the various trials or independent investigations.Synopsis
Eleven days into their marriage, Alabama couple Gabe (Billy Miller) and Tina Watson (Amber Clayton) go scuba diving near Australia's Great Barrier Reef, where Tina drowns in what appears to be a freak accident. But her father Tommy (Harvey Keitel) begins to suspect that his daughter's death was by no means an accident, a belief shared by authorities in both America and Australia, including Detective Gary Campbell (Gary Sweet).