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I would like to say a few words about weddings. I've just been through one. Not my own. My daughter's. Someday in the far future I may be able to remember it with tender indulgence, but not now. I always used to think that marriages were a simple affair. Boy meets girl. Fall in love. They get married. Have babies. Eventually the babies grow up and meet other babies. They fall in love. Get married. Have babies. And so on and on and on. Looked at that way, it's not only simple, it's downright monotonous. But I was wrong. I figured without the wedding.
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Ben Banks: Can't be June. I've got my final. Why not May?
Ellie Banks: May's too early.
Tommy Banks: July's out. I'm going to camp.
Kay Banks: This isn't a kids party. It's my wedding and my friends.
Stanley T. Banks: Ellie, what did you mean by?
Kay Banks: No one has to raise a finger. When the time comes, I'll do everything. And I mean everything.
Ellie Banks: I can imagine that.
Ben Banks: I'm not going.
Kay Banks: Listen! I don't care if you come or not!