Flesh Gordon is an independently made 1974 American science fiction adventure comedy film, an erotic spoof of Universal Pictures' first (of three) Flash Gordon serials from the 1930s. The film was produced by Walter R. Cichy, Bill Osco, and Howard Ziehm and was co-directed by Howard Ziehm and Michael Benveniste, who also wrote the screenplay. The cast includes Jason Williams, Suzanne Fields, and William Dennis Hunt. The film was distributed by Mammoth Films.
The storyline is purposely reminiscent of the first Flash Gordon multi-chapter serial, but written and directed with a purposely campy flavor. The planet Porno (in the serial: Mongo) and major characters are suggestive innuendos: the hero Flesh Gordon (Flash Gordon); his love interest Dale Ardor (Dale Arden); the evil Emperor Wang the Perverted (Ming the Merciless); scientist Dr. Flexi Jerkoff (Dr. Alexi Zarkov); seductive Amora, Queen of Magic (Ming's daughter Aura); and effeminate Prince Precious (Prince Barin). The film features production values comparable to the original serial, stop-motion animation of creatures, and frequent use of gratuitous nudity and brief sex scenes.Synopsis
Distinguished Professor Gordon (John Hoyt) explains that Earth is being tormented by periodic "sex rays" which send people into a sexual frenzy. When one of the rays hits the Ford Tri-Motor passenger aircraft carrying Flesh Gordon (Jason Williams) and Dale Ardor (Suzanne Fields), the pilots abandon the controls and everyone aboard has manic sex. When they finish, Flesh and Dale escape the imminent crash by parachute. They land near the workshop of Flexi Jerkoff (Joseph Hudgins), who has a plan to stop the sex rays at their source.