Footloose is a 1984 American musical drama film directed by Herbert Ross. It tells the story of Ren McCormack (Kevin Bacon), an upbeat Chicago teen who moves to a small town in which, as a result of the efforts of a local minister (John Lithgow), dancing and rock music have been banned.
The film is loosely based on events that took place in the small, rural, and religious community of Elmore City, Oklahoma.Synopsis
Ren McCormack (Kevin Bacon), a teenager raised in Chicago, moves to the small town of Bomont to live with his aunt and uncle. Soon after arriving, Ren makes a friend, Willard Hewitt (Chris Penn), and from him learns the city council has banned dancing and rock music. He soon begins to fall for a rebellious girl named Ariel (Lori Singer), who has an abusive boyfriend, Chuck Cranston (Jim Youngs), and a domineering father, Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow), an authority figure in the town.