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For Napoleon and France is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Enrico Guazzoni released in USA on 1 march 1914 with Amleto Novelli

For Napoleon and France (1914)

For Napoleon and France
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Released in USA 1 march 1914
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Historical

Scuola d'eroi est un film italien réalisé par Enrico Guazzoni, sorti en 1914.


Amleto Novelli

(Carlo Larive)
Gianna Terribili-Gonzales

(Madame de Longueville)
Achille Majeroni

(Capitano Larive)
Pina Menichelli

(Rina Larive)
Ida Carloni Talli

(Mamma Larose)
Trailer of For Napoleon and France

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