Opening Monologue
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In the final decade of the 21st century, men and women in rocket ships landed on the moon. By 2200 AD they had reached the other planets of our solar system. Almost at once there followed the discovery of hyperdrive through which the speed of light was first attained and later greatly surpassed. And so at last mankind began the conquest and colonization of deep space.
Dr. Edward Morbius
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In times long past, this planet was the home of a mighty and noble race of beings which called themselves the Krell. Ethically, as well as technologically, they were a million years ahead of humankind. For in unlocking the mysteries of nature, they had conquered even their baser selves. And when in the course of eons they had abolished sickness, and insanity, and crime, and all injustice they turned, still with high benevolence, outward toward space. Long before the dawn of man's history, they had walked our Earth, and brought back many biological specimens. The heights they had reached... But then, seemingly on the threshold of some supreme accomplishment which was to have crowned their entire history, this all-but-Divine race perished in a single night. In the two thousand centuries since that unexplained catastrophe, even their cloud-piercing towers of glass, and porcelain, and adamantine steel have crumbled back into the soil of Altair IV, and nothing, absolutely nothing remains above ground.
Commander John J. Adams
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I'm in command of 18 competitively selected super-perfect physical specimens with an average age of 24.6 who have been locked up in hyperspace for 378 days. It would have served you right if he ... they ... oh go on, get out of here before I have you run out of the area under guard — and then I'll put more guards on the guards.
To Altaira.
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Alta, about a million years from now the human race will have crawled up to where the Krell stood in their great moment of triumph and tragedy. And your father's name will shine again like a beacon in the galaxy. It's true, it will remind us that we are, after all, not God.
Last lines in the film
Robby the Robot
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If you do not speak English, I am at your disposal with 187 other languages along with their various dialects and sub-tongues.
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Cookie: Another one of them new worlds. No beer, no women, no pool parlors, nothin'. Nothin' to do but throw rocks at tin cans, and we gotta bring our own tin cans.
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Doc Ostrow:
[while showing the captain a plaster cast of a monster foot print] Anywhere in the galaxy this is a nightmare.
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Chief Engineer Quinn: I'll bet any quantum mechanic in the service would give the rest of his life to fool around with this gadget.
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Commander Adams: Nice planet you have here. High oxygen content.
Robby: I rarely use it myself, sir. It promotes rust.
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Doc Ostrow: The total potential here must be nothing less than astronomical.
Dr. Morbius: Nothing less. The number 10 raised almost literally to the power of infinity.
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[Lt. Farman offers the brilliant but innocent Altaira some sugar for her coffee]
Altaira: But you keep helping me. After all, you're not Robby.
Lt. Farman:
[chuckles] I wouldn't mind being like Robby in certain ways. Uh, that's only in
certain ways, of course.
Altaira: I can see that was probably very clever, but I don't seem to understand it.
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Altaira: Where have you been? I've beamed and beamed.
Robby: Sorry, miss. I was giving myself an oil-job.
Altaira: Robby, I must have a new dress, right away.
Robby: Again?
Altaira: Oh, but this one must be different! Absolutely nothing must show — below, above or through.
Robby: Radiation-proof?
Altaira: No, just eye-proof will do.
Robby: Thick and heavy?
Altaira: Oh, no, no, it’s got to be the softest, loveliest thing you’ve ever made for me, and fit in all the right places, with lots and lots of star sapphires.
Robby: Star sapphires take a week to crystallise properly, would diamonds or emeralds do?
Altaira: Well, if they’re large enough.
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Commander Adams: Whatever you know in here, your other self knows out there.
Dr. Morbius:
[angrily] I'm not a monster, you...
Commander Adams:
[grappling with Morbius] We're all part monsters in our subconscious, so we have laws and religion!