Four Shades of Brown (Swedish: Fyra nyanser av brunt) is a 2004 Swedish film written by the comedy group Killinggänget and directed by their member Tomas Alfredson. The film stars Robert Gustafsson, Johan Rheborg, Henrik Schyffert, Jonas Inde, Maria Kulle and Ulf Brunnberg. The film consists four interweaved stories about life tragedies, with settlements related to fatherhood as the common theme. It was produced by Sveriges Television.
The film won four Guldbagge Awards including Best Director and Best Actor for Gustafsson. In 2005 it was aired on television as four mid-length television films, which had been reedited with additional footage.Synopsis
In the film version, the stories are presented interweaved, although story-wise completely unconnected. In the television version, each story constitutes one episode and works as an independent television film, varying in length between 40 and 60 minutes.