Four Sisters and A Wedding is a 2013 Filipino comedy-drama film directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina. The film features Star Cinema's most prominent young actresses: Toni Gonzaga, Bea Alonzo, Angel Locsin and Shaina Magdayao, as the four sisters attempting to stop the wedding of their younger brother played by Enchong Dee.
The film is part of Star Cinema's 20th anniversary presentation in collaboration with Rebisco's 50th anniversary. Four Sisters and a Wedding was released in the Philippines on June 26, 2013, and internationally on July 5, 2013Synopsis
When CJ (Enchong Dee), the youngest of the family, announced that he is getting married, his sister Gabbie (Shaina Magdayao), convinces the other sisters to come back home for the wedding as requested by their mother Grace (Coney Reyes). Teddie (Toni Gonzaga), the eldest, is working as a waitress and housekeeper in Madrid; the second sister Bobbie (Bea Alonzo), works as a corporate communications manager in New York and is living with her boyfriend Tristan (Sam Milby) and his daughter Trixie (Samantha Faytaren); the third sister Alex (Angel Locsin) is living independently and works as a film director; while Gabbie is a school teacher.