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Lawrence Talbot: Why have you followed me?
Dr. Frank Mannering: Talbot, you're a murderer.
Lawrence Talbot: Prove it.
Dr. Frank Mannering: You're insane at times and you know it. You're sane enough now though to know what you're doing. Why don't you let me take care of you?
Lawrence Talbot: You think it would do any good to put me in a lunatic asylum?
Dr. Frank Mannering: You know that's where you belong. It's the only thing to do.
Lawrence Talbot: Oh that wouldn't do any good. I'd only escape again sooner or later.
Dr. Frank Mannering: We might be able to cure you. It might prevent you...
Lawrence Talbot: I only want to die. That's why I'm here. If I ever find peace I'll find it here.