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Dr. Perceptron:
[Bender is in a group therapy session involving being hit in the head by hammers] Now Stop! Hammertime!
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Rosie the Robot Maid: Everything must be clean. Very clean. That's why the dog had to die. He was a dirty dog. Dirty. Dirty. Also that boy Elroy. Dirty. Dirty.
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Professor: Everybody out of the conference room! I'm calling a conference!
[to all, in an adjacent room] Everybody get in here!
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Roberto: I was built by a team of scientists, trying to create an insane robot...but it looks like they failed!
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Scary Door Announcer: In the end, it was not guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God's creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
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Hermaphrodite: Your friends soon face certain death, followed by a disrespectful marionette show performed with their corpses.
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Morcs (Singing):
Eat the wizard, Eat the Slut, Eat the Robot Shiny butt.
Gynecaladriel (Amy): Well at least we'll be remember by song.
Titanius (Bender): Wait a second, I have an idea.
[seizes his comrades] I surrender! Here, eat my friends! Just give me one more second of sweet, sweet life!
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Titanius Anglesmith:
[to Roberto as king of Wipecastle] Oh great king, your army is the last hope of Cornwood. Let us join forces, before the light of good is extinguished forever!
Roberto: You calling me crazy!? Just coz I got a hotel in my foot don't make me a BOOGALEE-MOOGALEE-MOOGALEE!!
Titanius: Pardon?
[draws sword] Stop laughing at me, flyin' avocado!
[shrieking while stabbing] Share this quote on facebook
Titanius: [
after talking with king of wipe castle] Okay, since I'm the only robot here who isn't
[makes crazy noises with his finger on his mouth], I declare myself leader of the royal army!
Guard 1: What royal army might that be?
Titanius: Huh?
Guard 2: When the king went insane, he declared war on scallops, so he tied the army to a boat and sent them out to sea. They were never seen again!
Guard 1: Scallops musta got em.
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Fry: Hey Professor can I ask you something about Bender?
Professor: Of course Fry, show me where on this anatomically correct doll where he touched you.
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Frydo [Fry]: So this land is real?
Greyfarn [Professor]: Oh, dreadfully real. If you die here you'll really be dead. But instead of science we believe in crazy hocus pocus. It's sort of like Kansas.
Leegola: God help us.
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[As the professor recognizes Mom's sons]
Professor: Walt, the leader among imbeciles!
Walt: Hey, they resent that!
Professor: Larry, the sniveling middle child.
[nervously] Sorry. Thank you.
Professor: And you, Igner. The evil I can tolerate. But the stupidity.
Igner: We're owl exterminators.
Professor: Good God! Just knowing we're in the same genus makes me embarrassed to call myself homo!
[children laugh] Share this quote on facebook
[Greyfarn (Professor Farnsworth) and Ignus (Igner) are dueling with lightsabers]
Ignus: Mommy never told you about my father.
Greyfarn: She said he was a foul He-demon.
Ignus: Exactly.
You are my father.
Greyfarn: No. No, that's impossible.
Ignus: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Greyfarn: No, no!
Ignus: Yah-hah. I heard Mommy say so.
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Dr. Perceptron: I will now delicately jerk out your imagination, severing fantasy's grip on your nerd-circuit.
[the dark matter resonance appears and Bender begins to fade into nothingness]
[as he disappears] Coooooornwooooooooooooood!
Dr. Perceptron: Illogical. Illogical. Computational overload.
Nurse Ratchet: But doctor, I love you.
[Dr. Perceptron smashes his own head] Share this quote on facebook
Computer Voice:
(alarm sound) Warning. Out of dark matter fuel.
Leela: That's not a warning! A warning's supposed come before something bad happens.
Computer Voice:
(alarm sound) Warning. Engines will shut down in one second.
Leela: That's more like it.
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Professor: Who did this? Answer now or be punished.
Leela: Fine, I admit it. It was me.
Professor: You will be punished!
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Hermes: As a result of these losses, we will no longer be providing complimentary porno mags in the lobby.
Scruffy: Durnit.