Ganga Gowri is a 1997 Tamil comedy-drama film directed by Madheswaran. The film features Arun Vijay, Sangita and Mantra in lead roles. The film had musical score by Sirpy and was released on 5 May 1997.
^ "Ganga Gowri (1997) Tamil Movie". Retrieved 2013-12-23.
^ "Ganga Gowri - Oneindia Entertainment". Retrieved 2013-12-23.
^ "A-Z (III) - INDOlink". Retrieved 2013-12-23.Synopsis
Shiva (Arun Vijay) and his brother Vichu (Vadivelu) are carefree youth while their father Pandiyan (Dindigul I. Leoni) is a miser. Shiva falls in love with Ganga (Mantra) at first sight and tries to seduce her with his brother's help. Ultimately, Ganga also falls in love with him. Gowri (Sangita) comes from her village and begins to work in Pandiyan's house as a maid.