Geng: The Adventure Begins (Malay: Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula, originally Geng: Misteri Hantu Durian) is a 2009 Malaysian 3D computer animated family feature film. The film is produced by Les' Copaque and released in Malaysian cinemas beginning 12 February 2009. Geng was launched in a ceremony held on 11 September 2007 together with short animated series Upin & Ipin that have connections with the film. Planning for the film began in late-2005 as Les Copaque commenced operations. It received financial support from ICT-related agencies such as Multimedia Development Corporation and MIMOS.Synopsis
Bored with nothing to do for their school holidays, Badrol invites his best friend Lim to go on a camping trip at his old Kampung where he grew up, with intentions to experience some long-forgotten true Malaysian life in his Grandfather’s durian orchard. However their simple holiday trip is cut short by the discovery of a clue that leads them closer to the rumours of the mystery house deep in the forest. Together with their newly found friends, Raju the animal-whispering boy, Ros the village beauty, and her two cute twin brothers, Upin and Ipin, they work together to unravel the secrets surrounding the small Kampung.