Getting Home () is a 2007 Chinese comedy/drama film directed by Zhang Yang and starring Chinese comedian Zhao Benshan. It is episodic and follows two workers in their 50s, Zhao (Zhao Benshan) and Liu (Hong Qiwen). The film opens when Liu unexpectedly dies after a night of drinking and Zhao decides to fulfill a promise to his friend to get him home, beginning a long odyssey from Shenzhen to Chongqing with Liu's corpse on his back. Along the way, Zhao meets a variety of figures, played by several of China's better known character actors.
Getting Home is Zhang Yang's fifth feature film. It was produced by Filmko Entertainment of Hong Kong and the Beijing Jinqianshengshi Culture Media company of the People's Republic of China. International sales and distribution was by Fortissimo Films out of Amsterdam.
Getting Home's original title derives from a Chinese proverb meaning "A falling leaf returns to its roots." It is apparently based on a true story.Synopsis
Zhao est un vieil ouvrier qui travaille dur pour gagner sa vie à Shenzen, près de Hong Kong. Lorsque son ami et collègue Wang meurt soudainement, Zhao décide de ramener son cadavre dans sa ville natale. Il achète deux billets de car et prétend que son compagnon muet a tellement bu qu'il en a perdu connaissance. Peu de temps après, le car est attaqué par des bandits en armes. Zhao leur dit de le tuer en premier pour qu'il puisse rester pour toujours auprès de son ami défunt. Touchés par tant de loyauté, les brigands laissent le car repartir sans encombres. Mais au lieu de remercier Zhao, leur sauveteur, les autres voyageurs le jettent hors du car avec la dépouille de son ami…