Gimme Shelter is a 2013 American independent drama film written and directed by Ronald Krauss based on a true story about a pregnant teenager, Apple (Vanessa Hudgens), who runs away from her abusive, drug-addicted mother (Rosario Dawson), and traces her father (Brendan Fraser). Apple's difficult and abusive upbringing, unfortunate situation and her father and his wife's struggle to integrate her into their family result in conflicts. After crashing the car of a pimp who forced her into his vehicle, Apple awakes in hospital where she encounters a Catholic Priest (James Earl Jones) who connects her with a Catholic shelter for pregnant teens that encourages the pregnant girls to have babies.Synopsis
Agnes "Apple" Bailey (Vanessa Hudgens) has never had an easy life. She's been in and out of foster care for years, and her mother June (Rosario Dawson) is an abusive addict who only wants her for the welfare money she provides. She decides to run away and go in search of her absent father, Tom Fitzpatrick (Brendan Fraser), whom she discovers is now a wealthy Wall Street broker with a family. He agrees to take her in, but she's quickly forced out again when he and his wife learn she's pregnant and don't agree with her decision to keep the baby.