Girl in Progress is a 2012 American drama film directed by Patricia Riggen. The film received a limited release on May 11, 2012. Originally, the film was scheduled for release on April 27, 2012, but was postponed until May 11, 2012 to avoid competition with The Pirates! Band of Misfits. The film received the Favorite Movie Award at the 2012 ALMA Awards, which honors the accomplishments made by Hispanics in film, television, and music. Cierra Ramirez won the Favorite Movie Actress Supporting Role Award.Synopsis
Grace (Eva Mendes) is a single mom raising her fourteen-year-old daughter, Ansiedad (Cierra Ramirez). Grace is busy juggling work, bills, and her relationship with the very married Dr. Hartford (Matthew Modine), leaving Ansiedad to take care of herself as well as her mother most of the time.