Gloria is a 2014 Mexican drama film directed by Christian Keller, based on the life of Mexican pop singer Gloria Trevi. It was one of fourteen films shortlisted by Mexico to be their submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards, but it lost out to 600 Miles.Synopsis
The film chronicles the life of one of Latin America's biggest pop icons, Gloria Trevi. The films opens with Gloria at an audition for the popular music composer, Sergio Andrade. She impresses Andrade and earns a spot as a member of the Mexican pop group Boquitas Pintadas. The group fails to achieve much fame, but Sergio notices Gloria's potential as a solo artist, and grooms her as such from then on. Gloria quickly becomes a huge success all over Latin America, but her career comes to a screeching halt when she is found in the middle of a controversial sex scandal.