Gooby is a 2009 Canadian film directed by Wilson Coneybeare featuring Robbie Coltrane as the voice of Gooby, a living teddy bear, and Matthew Knight as Willy, an 11-year-old child who is scared of his new house.
The film was shot on a budget of $6.5 million. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes rates it 20% positive ("rotten") based on five reviews.Synopsis
Willy is an 11-year-old boy with an overactive imagination, always believing weird creatures are lurking, just waiting to attack him. He believes that the only thing keeping him safe is his house, which is located on the best street in the world. When his parents decide to move, Willy isn't thrilled with the idea of going to a new school and living in a strange home. However, one day, Gooby, a teddy bear that Willy had as a little boy, arrives at the new house. This version of Gooby is nearly six feet tall, able to talk, and wants to help—Willy decides that the two will be friends, but that he must hide the bear from his parents.