Gory Gory Hallelujah is a 2003 American comedy horror musical film directed by Sue Corcoran, written by Angie Louise, and starring Tim Gouran, Angie Louise, Jeff Gilbert, Todd Licea, Keith Winsted, Jason Collins, and Joseph Franklin. On a road trip, a group of actors confronts Elvis impersonators, religious extremists, and zombies.Synopsis
After they each fail their audition for Jesus in a play, a Jew, a militant African American, a feminist, and a bisexual hippie go on a road trip. On the way, they confront hostile Elvis impersonators and end up in a fight. Fleeing the law, they end up in an intolerant religious community that holds the secret of the apocalypse; a botched magical spell reveals it to be a zombie apocalypse. Zombies kill everyone but Jessie, who lives among them and decides to study their culture.