Guest House is a 2013 short film starring Michael Gross as Lou Wesley, Heather Lind as Julia, Mark Gessner as Lance Wesley, written and directed by Aaron Wolf. Production company: Howling Wolf Productions. Based on true events in Wolf’s life, the film follows Lance Wesley, who lost his job and fiancé on the same day.
Lance Wesley had a nice suburban upbringing, a beautiful fiancé and a good job running her family company. His fiancé dumps him and fires him on the same day, so Lance is back in his parents’ guest house, where he spent his youth. His father, a tough, self-made man, can't understand why his son won't fight through it. Depressed, Lance convinces himself that life at 34-years-old has already passed him by. Relics from his childhood pay him a visit and they convince him to move forward with his life. Produced by Howling Wolf Productions