Heavy Petting is a 2007 comedy film written and directed by Marcel Sarmiento. The film follows a young man as he falls in love with a girl but has to battle with her dog for her affections, only to discover that he himself is falling in love with the dog.
^ The New York TimesSynopsis
In present day New York City, Charlie (Brendan Hines) meets the girl of his dreams, Daphne (Malin Åkerman), but he never expected he'd have to battle past her pet dog "Babydoll" to woo her. Just when it seems he can't beat the beast and all is lost, something unexpected happens: Charlie begins to fall in love with the dog himself, realizing he never really needed a girlfriend in the first place. Now, in order to keep hanging out with "man's best friend", Charlie must scramble to keep the relationship with Daphne going at all costs - or risk losing them both.