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Chance: Okay, okay, I'll talk! I left a gift on the carpet. I let Sassy take the rap for when I unrolled the toilet paper all over the house. I stole underwear on three occasions.
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Fat Guy: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
[mimicking] "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." Not on your life, chubby.
Fat Guy: Here, kitty, kitty. Here, kitty. SCAT! Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Sassy: No, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy.
Fat Guy: [goes back inside] Dumb...cat!
Sassy: Oh, what a bozo.
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[Finds Shadow in his cage in the animal shelter] So, big fella, what're ya in for?
Shadow: Sassy? Sassy!
Sassy: Shh, keep it down.
Shadow: I thought I told you to run away.
Sassy: I never listen to dogs.
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Chance: Look, you pushed me this far, now I'm pushing you the rest of the way! Y'know, back there in the woods, even when things looked really bad, I'd always believe we'd make it because I always thought you were too stubborn to quit. Well, you're not going to quit. Not now, not when we're this close! Now try again!
Shadow: Do you think it's easy for me to admit I can't do it? I'm too old.
Chance: That's not true! There's nothing you can't do!
Shadow: I have nothing left to give, Chance. And it's time for you to be on your own.
Chance: But I want you with me... I love you, Shadow.
Shadow: You've learned everything you need, Chance. Now all you need to learn is how to say goodbye.
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[Running from the puma]
Chance: I'm such a wimp! I'm running from a cat!
Shadow: I won't tell if you won't.
Chance: Of course, this isn't your ordinary housecat. I mean, this is like Arnold Schwarze-kitty!
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[Running from the puma]
Chance: Listen, if I don't make it... well, I got a pile of bones buried in the backyard, and, uh...
Shadow: We'll make it!
[They end up on a ledge overlooking a river]
Chance: Aah, I knew it! We're trapped, we're goners! Look, the bones are buried next to the jungle gym, and the TV remote control is under the seesaw.
[Shadow notices a long rock balanced on a smaller one]
Shadow: Seesaw... Seesaw! Chance, you're a genius!
[offended] I am not! What's a genius?
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Chance: Remember hot dogs?
Shadow: Yeah, I wasn't much for the name, though.
Chance: I don't think they're really made of dog.
Shadow: I don't think they're made of meat!
Chance: But they taste the best when they fall in the dirt.
Shadow: Yeaaaah.
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Shadow: I thought you were gonna stay, pup.
Chance: Yeah, but I thought I should come along, in case you two needed protection.
Sassy: My hero! Guess I'm gonna have to stare at YOUR butt the whole way.
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Sassy: It's like I said all along, poopsie: cats rule and dogs drool.
Chance: Oh, get a life. Get nine of 'em.
Sassy: But it's true. Cats are smarter than dogs, and more attractive... and we don't drink from the toilet!
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Sassy: Do you have any idea where that's been?
Chance: Yeahhh. That's why I like it. You want some?
Sassy: I'm not really into leather.
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Sassy: You just woke me up from a very deep catnap.
Chance: What's the matter, Sassy? Get up on the wrong side of the litter box?
Sassy: Even a great beauty needs her beauty sleep!
Chance: Beauty sleep? You'd have to sleep for, like, a month!
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Shadow: Up and at 'em, you two. I found our breakfast.
Chance: Great, I hope it's garbage.
Shadow: Nope, even better.
Sassy: With you two gourmets, I can just imagine.
Chance: Fine, just stay here and diet.
Sassy: Are you calling me fat?
Chance: Of course not, for a hippopotamus-
[runs into a small tree] I meant to do that.
Sassy: Ha-ha, serves you right.
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[Chance has just used the see-saw to launch Sassy into the sandbox] My poor baby! Are you alright?!
Sassy: He threw me in the big litter box!
Peter: Nice shot, Chance!
[To Shadow] That's why they call it the "cat"-apult.
Shadow: You've got a lot to learn, pup.