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Benson: "You know, I've personally flown over 194 missions and I was shot down every one of them. Come to think of it, I've never landed a plane in my life."
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(Briefing men before takeoff)
Benson: "Gentlemen, we've waited a long time to hear this. In exactly 5 hours and 17 minutes we hit the enemy toast"
Block: "Err... I think that's enemy coast sir"
Benson: "Huh? Coast? That'll take a bit more planning. But it doesn't matter..."
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Benson: "Call down to the galley and order some soup."
Block: "Yes, sir."
Benson: "Ah, I love soup. At least I think I do. It's either soup or duck. Which one do you shoot?"
Block: "Duck, sir"
(Admiral Benson ducks and bangs head on desk)
Block: "Are you alright, sir?"
Benson: "Of course I'm alright! Why, what have you heard?"
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Benson: "Help me read this, my eyes are ceramic. Took a bazooka round at the battle of Little Big Horn. Or was it Okinawa? The one without the Indians."
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Benson: "Some of you may be wondering what's wrong with my pants. Well, they ran out of material when they got to the knee, so don't give me any shit."
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(After falling down some stairs)
Benson: I slipped on a crab, who put that crab there?"
Sailor: "I didn't see any crab Sir"
Benson: "Don't give me that, there were 2 crabs, they work in pairs"
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Block: "Topper Harley ?"
Topper: "Once perhaps... Now I'm called Tchukachinchina."
Block: "What does it meen ?"
Topper: "Fluffy bunny feet."
(The camera reveals Topper's bunny-looking pair of slippers)