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House of Usher is a american film of genre Drama directed by Roger Corman released in USA on 20 july 1960 with Vincent Price

House of Usher (1960)

House of Usher
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Roderick Usher

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Mr. Winthrop, three-quarters of my family have fallen into madness, and in their madness have acquired a, a superhuman strength... so that it took the power of many to subdue them.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I suggest you leave, Mr. Winthrop. No? Then perish with us.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook See to the crypt, will you?

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Did you know that I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Roderick Usher: Madeline and I are like figures of fine glass. The slightest touch and we may shatter. Both of us suffer from a morbid acuteness of the senses. Mine is the worst for having existed the longer, but both of us are afflicted with it. Any sort of food more exotic then the most pallid mash is unendurable to my taste buds. Any sort of garment other then the softest, is agony to my flesh. My eyes are tormented by all but the faintest illumination. Odors assail me constantly, and as I've said, sounds of any degree whatsoever inspire me with terror.
Philip Winthrop: That's why your servant asked me to remove my boots?
Roderick Usher: Yes... and even so I could hear you coming: every footstep, every rustle of your clothes. I could hear your horse approaching, hear the clatter of his hooves across the courtyard, your knock - the grating of the door bolt was like a sword-stroke to my ears... [lowers his voice to a whisper] I can hear the scratch of rat claws within the stone wall!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: [as the house starts to rumble] Don't you think that crack in the wall should be repaired?
Roderick Usher: For future generations of Ushers?
Philip Winthrop: For Madeline's safety.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: While I was riding here I noticed a singular lack of vegetation, is there something wrong with the soil?
Roderick Usher: The soil?
Madeline Usher: Roderick please!
Roderick Usher: [looking at Madeline] As you wish.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: Would you permit me to light a candle so that...?
Roderick Usher: I think you had better leave, Mr. Winthrop.
Philip Winthrop: I think you need some light in this house, Mr. Usher.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: How long have you been with the Ushers?
Bristol: Sixty years, sir.
Philip Winthrop: Sixty years?
Bristol: Since I was a boy.
Philip Winthrop: Why, then this house is just as much yours as it is Mr. Usher's.
Bristol: And Miss Madeline, sir.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: [as the house starts to rumble] How long has that been going on?
Bristol: So long I'm hardly aware of it anymore. It's just the settling of the house.
Philip Winthrop: That settling could cause this entire structure to collapse. That doesn't worry you?
Bristol: Oh no, sir. If the house dies, I shall die with it.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: You have murdered your sister, Mr. Usher, and I intend to see that you hang for it.
Roderick Usher: Arrange it quickly then. The old house crumbles.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Roderick Usher: [shouting] Be done.
Philip Winthrop: What?
Roderick Usher: I think I rave.
Philip Winthrop: You said be done.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Philip Winthrop: Is there no end to your horrors?
Roderick Usher: No. None whatever.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook The House of Usher is no more - and the place whereon it stood is as if - it had never been.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Edgar Allan Poe's overwhelming tale of EVIL & TORMENT

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I heard her first feeble movements in the coffin... we had put her living in the tomb!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook He buried her alive... to save his soul!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Edgar Allan Poe's demonic tale of The Ungodly... The Evil House of Usher


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