Hunterrr is a 2015 Indian adult comedy film written and directed by Harshavardhan Kulkarni. The film features Gulshan Devaiah, Radhika Apte and Sai Tamhankar in lead roles. The film revolves around an unassuming sex addict and his lustful journey in life. The film was released on 20 March 2015.Synopsis
Mandar Ponkshe(Gulshan Devaiah) a typical youth is a sex addict since 15 years. His only intention is to score more girls in order to outshine his cousin brothers. In the year 1989, Mandar along with his cousin Dilip visits his village in north.There the duo encounter with their other cousin brother Kshitij. Kshitij is 15 years old and is over matured in his views and aspects about marriage, love and sex. By the end of their vacation Mandar realises that he is no longer a kid.His life becomes more exotic as he starts to woo girls, watching adult films and misbehaving with ladies.