I'll See You in My Dreams is a 2015 American comedy-drama film directed by Brett Haley, produced by Rebecca Green, Brett Haley and Laura D. Smith and written by Brett Haley and Marc Basch. The film stars Blythe Danner, Martin Starr, Sam Elliott, Malin Akerman, June Squibb, Rhea Perlman, and Mary Kay Place. The film was released on May 15, 2015 in a limited release by Bleecker Street.Synopsis
A widow and former songstress discovers that life can begin anew at any age. With the support of three loyal girlfriends (June Squibb, Rhea Perlman, and Mary Kay Place), Carol (Blythe Danner) decides to embrace the world, embarking on an unlikely friendship with her pool maintenance man (Martin Starr), pursuing a new love interest (Sam Elliott), and reconnecting with her daughter (Malin Akerman).