Ikogosi: The Last Turn on Left is a 2015 Nigerian romantic drama film, produced and directed by Toka McBaror. It stars Chelsea Eze, IK Ogbonna, Lisa Omoriodon, Leo Orji, Didi Ekanem. The film narrates "the story of a simple holiday which goes bad and turns into an ugly trip".
Keche (Keira Hewatch) and Bankole (OC Ukeje) believe that their relationship has been divinely planned. They plan on having an amazing wedding ceremony and believe their marriage will stand the test of time. An unexpected event gets uncovered that tests how much they are really willing to sacrifice for their union to workout.
Lagos, Nigeria. Deux frères tentent de s'en sortir. L'un est musicien et cherche à se faire un nom en se présentant à des castings. Son aîné devient le gigolo d'une riche bourgeoise, trempant dans le trafic de drogue. Leurs volontés de ne pas se compromettre se heurtent à des difficultés croissantes jusqu'à l'assassinat du frère aîné. Mais le cadet arrive finalement à décrocher le titre d'African Idol .
It tells a story of the gruesome murder of Florence Ngwu (Chelsea Eze) in a hotel by an unknown person, Agent Ted (Joseph Benjamin) is to investigate the circumstances that led to her death and ensure justice is preserved.