Jai Ho! Democracy, is a 2015 Indian comedy film written and directed by Ranjit Kapoor, who was also the dialogue writer of Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro and has been produced by Bikramjeet Bhullar of Indian Production House. It is a dark satire on Indian politics and takes a dig at the existing social and political morass India is staring at currently. It stars an ensemble cast that includes the likes of Om Puri, Annu Kapoor, Satish Kaushik, Adil Hussain and Seema Biswas.
The film's trailer was released on 18 March 2015. and is scheduled to release on 24 April 2015. It is about the murky world of India's political class, where ministers and leaders procrastinate over everything, even on something as grave as border security. Jai Ho! Democracy also takes a satirical look at the media's desperation to stay ahead in the TRP game, sensationalizing even the most trivial situation without any qualms.Synopsis
First of all it is not a comedy movie. A freak incident in an Indian camp along the LoC triggers a war of words with their Pakistani counterparts on the other side of the no-man’s land. News of this standoff between the two camps gets leaked to a super-enthu news reporter and in no time, news spreads on national television that India and Pakistan are on the brink of a war.