Katherine (also known as The Radical) is a 1975 television film written and directed by Jeremy Kagan, and starring Sissy Spacek, Art Carney and Henry Winkler. Intended to portray the time period of the Vietnam War, the title character was loosely based on Diana Oughton of the Weather Underground, who died in the 1970 Greenwich Village townhouse explosion when a bomb she was building accidentally exploded. Reviewers have also noted that Katherine also "borrowed from the then-current headlines involving Patty Hearst, another heiress whose exact level of voluntary involvement with the Symbionese Liberation Army remained hazy in 1975.
Through a series of flashbacks, the film, told in semi-documentary fashion, retraces the main characters' lives through the years 1964-1972.Synopsis
Un regard déchirant sur les années 60 et le début des années 70 à travers les yeux de Katherine Alman, une riche débutante qui lentement, mais inexorablement, s'enfonce dans une lutte pour les causes qui ont secoué une nation, menant un chemin vers la vie souterraine. Écrit par Miguel Cane