Kelly + Victor is a 2012 British romantic drama film written and directed by Kieran Evans from Niall Griffiths' novel of the same name. Starring Antonia Campbell-Hughes and Julian Morris, Kelly + Victor is the story of a young couple embarking on a passionate and transgressive love affair. The film won the BAFTA Award for Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer in 2014.Synopsis
Kelly and Victor meet on the dance floor of a Liverpool nightclub, both of them on illegal highs. They spend the night together, experiencing an intense sexual relationship. These are two characters struggling to get by as best they can while the people around them are choosing illegal lifestyles; her best mate is a dominatrix prostitute, his pals are aspiring drug dealers. It’s when they get into bed with each other that their darker instincts take over. With a strong sense of location and an astutely chosen soundtrack, Kelly + Victor depicts a young couple embarking on a passionate and transgressive love affair.