Kill Bill: Volume 2 is a 2004 American martial arts film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It is the second of two volumes that were released several months apart. It was originally scheduled for a single theatrical release, but was divided into two films with its running time being over four hours. Kill Bill: Volume 1 was released in late 2003, and Kill Bill: Volume 2 was released in early 2004.
The story follows a character initially identified as "The Bride", a former member of an assassination team who seeks revenge on her ex-colleagues who massacred members of her wedding party and tried to kill her.Synopsis
The pregnant Bride and her groom rehearse their wedding. Bill, the Bride's former lover, father of her child, and leader of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, arrives unexpectedly. On Bill's orders, the Deadly Vipers kill everyone at the wedding, but the Bride survives and swears revenge.