Killjoy is a 2000 slasher film directed by Craig Ross, starring Ángel Vargas. Its sequel, Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil was released in 2002. A second sequel, Killjoy 3 was released in 2010, and Killjoy Goes to Hell in 2012.Synopsis
The film begins with a boy named Michael, a kid who has a crush on a beautiful girl named Jada but is always rejected because Jada is stuck with a gangster, Lorenzo (Johnson). When Michael comes close to her, he is beat up by Lorenzo and his homeboys, T-Bone and Baby Boy. But Michael is secretly involved in black magic, and tries to bring a doll that he calls Killjoy to life. After he is abducted by the gangsters and brought into the woods, Michael is accidentally shot and killed by Lorenzo.