Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson
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Samantha, the Maid: What you doing in that lineup?
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Don't bother me woman. Can't you see I is a has-been?
Samantha, the Maid: A zombie?
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Nothing else but. And don't ask me my name, 'cuz I don't know. I don't know nothing.
Samantha, the Maid: You ain't no zombie, 'cuz zombies can't talk.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Can I help it 'cuz I'm loquacious?
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Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Eating the food set out for the zombies] This being a zombie sure is a drawback. Where's the salt?
Samantha, the Maid: You eats that the way it is and likes it. Zombies ain't supposed to use salt.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Samantha brings Jeff the salt] I thought you said!
Samantha, the Maid: I changed my mind.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Samantha continues to pour the salt] That's more like it. Take it easy there woman, I ain't no herring!
Samantha, the Maid: Now eat.
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: [Samantha keeps pouring the salt] Whew! What is you trying to do? Poison me? Share this quote on facebook
Bill Summers: It's the same drums we heard the other night. Voodoo drums! Come on, we've got to find him!
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: Oh Mr. Billy, we found enough for one day!
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Bill Summers: [about to chase off after another eerie happening] Come on!
Jefferson 'Jeff' Jackson: I cain't, my foot done took to root.
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Blood-chilling revelations of the weird cult that practices its black magic in the impenetrable jungles of Central America!
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ARE YOU A ZOMBIE? If you can sit through this spine-tingling carnival of shrieks and howls without getting the thrill of a must belong to the living dead!