Kiri no Hi (霧の火) is a Japanese television drama which originally aired on Nippon Television (NTV) on August 25, 2008. Directed by Nozomu Amamiya and with a screenplay by Yō Takeyama, it starred Etsuko Ichihara and Karina. The production won a TV Drama Award at the 2008 Festival of the Arts of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁芸術祭).
^ "霧の火 -樺太・真岡郵便局に散った9人の乙女たち" (in Japanese). AllCinema. Retrieved 2013-11-04.
^ "平成20年度(第63回)文化庁芸術祭賞受賞一覧(参加作品)" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2013-11-04.Synopsis
The story takes place in Maoka City, Karafuto, Japan (Currently Kholmsk, Sakhalin, Russian Federation) during the final year of the Pacific War. Nine telephone operators in Maoka took their own lives by taking potassium cyanide when the Soviet Union invaded the city on August 20, 1945. The TV drama is based on this incident and is partially fictional (names of the characters, etc.).