La Tahzan is a 2013 Indonesian drama film which directed by Danial Rifki and released on August 2, 2013, by Falcon Pictures. This film starred by Atiqah Hasiholan, Ario Bayu, Joe Taslim, and Prilly Latuconsina.
The film was nominated for "Movie of the Year" at the 2013 Yahoo! OMG Awards and nominated for "Favorite Film" at the 2014 Indonesian Movie Awards.Synopsis
Viona (Atiqah Hasiholan) and her friends landed at Kansai International Airport for a study program while working in Japan. Viona met Yamada (Joe Taslim), a freelance photographer who turns understand Indonesian language. This makes Viona who feel foreign in Japan, like getting a new friend. They also become familiar, to Yamada is so directly without any strings attached frank wanted to propose to her. Even Yamada ready to convert.