Lakeview Terrace is a 2008 American thriller film directed by Neil LaBute, written by David Loughery and Howard Korder, and co-produced by Will Smith, and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington. Jackson plays a prejudiced LAPD police officer who terrorizes his new next-door neighbors because they are an interracially married couple. The film was released on September 19, 2008. The film's title is a reference to the ethnically-mixed middle class Los Angeles neighborhood of Lake View Terrace.Synopsis
Abel Turner (Samuel L. Jackson) is a twenty-eight-year veteran of the LAPD. A single and widowed father, he is particularly strict with his two children, Marcus (Jaishon Fisher) and Celia (Regine Nehy). As his kids leave for school, the new neighbors begin moving in next door. They are a young interracial couple, Chris and Lisa Mattson (Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington), who are recently married and buying their first home.