Last Embrace is a 1979 thriller film directed by Jonathan Demme. Based on the novel The 13th Man by Murray Teigh Bloom, it stars Roy Scheider, Janet Margolin and Christopher Walken, telling the story of a woman who takes the role of the biblical avenger Goel Hadam, killing the descendants of the Lower East Side Zwi Migdal who enslaved her grandmother.Synopsis
The film opens in a Mexican cantina across the border from El Paso, where government agent Harry Hannan is canoodling with his wife. Harry spots an informant that he was supposed to meet in a few days. Realizing he is about to be attacked, he shoves his wife to the ground and starts shooting at the informant's companions who return fire and flee the restaurant. Harry's wife dies in the attack, and he suffers a nervous breakdown. He spends 161 days in a Connecticut sanitarium before being released.