Lawful Larceny is a 1930 American melodramatic film, directed by Lowell Sherman from Jane Murfin's screenplay. The screenplay, a melodrama, was based on the play of the same name by Samuel Shipman, which originally was a comedy. It starred a staple of the early RKO stable, Bebe Daniels, along with Kenneth Thomson, Olive Tell and Lowell Sherman, who reprised the role he had created in the original Broadway play. This film was a remake of the 1923 silent film version of the same name, produced by Famous Players-Lasky CorporationSynopsis
When Marion Corsey's husband, Andrew, is conned out of a small fortune by Vivian Hepburn, she dedicates herself to recovering the money. In order to do so, she hides her identity and insinuates herself into the social circle of Vivian, by becoming her secretary, and studies the tactics employed by the sexy con-artist. While employed by Vivian, Marion meets Guy Tarlow, Vivian's love interest. However, Guy seems to be interested Marion.