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Ed: [
after Mikey tells him he invited Angie to his house] Well, now representing the Omen. Did you check her head with a little 666?
Michael: Yeah, there were only two sixes. We got her just fine!
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Michael: I'm something of a celebrity.
Irate: What kind of celebrity are you? Biggest Ass of the Month?
Michael: No, that's all political.
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Angie: I'll have coffee.
Galaxy Waiter: [
laughs] Coffee?
Angie: Yeah, coffee. It comes from beans. Ever heard of it?
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Girl: [
overacting] I hate it when it's raining. We don't get to go outside for recess or ride our bikes after school!
Angie: That's great. But you're not going to audition like that, right?
Girl: What do you mean?
Angie: They're just cookies. Don't make it sound like a commercial for hemorrhoids.