Lola's Last Letter is a 2015 independent drama-comedy film written and directed by Valerie Brandy, starring Valerie Brandy, Annamarie Kenoyer, and Travis Quentin Young. The movie world-premiered at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood as a Competition Feature at the Dances with Films festival lineup. Brandy made the film—also her directorial debut—on a shoe-string budget with just seven people over seven days of principal photography, and shot entirely in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. The film follows Lola, an ex-con completing her community service by picking up trash on the side of the road, as she makes a video apology letter for a mysterious man named Henry.
As part of the film's outreach campaign, the filmmakers collected thousands of anonymous apology letters from fans online.Synopsis
The film follows Lola, a 22-year-old ex-con who spends her time completing her community service by picking up trash on the side of the highway, as she makes a video letter for her mysterious pen-pal "Henry." Although Henry's identity is not revealed until the end of the film, the audience is given a window into Lola's world and her relationships. Through her video antics, which range from darkly humorous to heartbreakingly honest, we discover a girl who's full of contradictions. Tugged in opposite directions by her best friend Ree, and her new love interest Sam (Travis Quentin Young), Lola tries to piece her life back together in the aftermath of a huge mistake.